Hi everyone, I figured out why most of the game wasn't working, and have promptly fixed it. I also refactored a lot of the game, so please let me know if you see any bugs!(Also a little teaser for what's to come on the main menu screen ;) )

Files Play in browser
Dec 04, 2023

Get SuikaMon


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Loving all the updates!

I think right now the biggest issue is if any pokemon end up off outside the box and off screen they seem to lag the game a lot, I've had runs that could've lasted longer had this not happened and made the game so slow that I couldn't continue.

Pokemon being outside the box isn't really a problem and can actually be handy sometimes for cleaning up the board, but they should probably be deleted or ignored in some way once they're far off the screen.

Yeah for sure. Currently trying to make it so they don't teleport outside the box, but I'll work up a solution to delete them if they are outside for too long

Memory issues should be a lot better now, please let me know if you still run into those problems