Gimmickless mode (and some pokemon "fly" now)

Hi everyone. Before talking about this update, I will say that I reworked saves. I tried to implement a way to let your previous high scores carry over, but there is a chance that they dont. If the scores say "Contact Dev", restarting the game should (hopefully) fix it. Luckily, I have made saves far more dynamic, and this should not be a problem in the future. Lets talk about the actual changes now.

Added a new "Gimmickless" mode. This mode will disable explosions, fish flopping, and pokemon "flying". I also have a seperate leaderboard, for people who want the OG suikamon experience. The menus have been streamlined a lot more,and you choose your gamemode from the new game menu that now exists.

You will now be able to save high scores per gamemode, so that all of them feel "equal" and not like an addon (which custom mode was feeling like). I added a play button to custom mode, so no more weird menu navigation. You can now also toggle pokemon gimmicks in custom mode.

Most flying type pokemon (I haven't gotten around to all yet) should slightly hover around with gimmicks on. Additionally, geodude's explosion is significantly weaker.

Mareanies now multiply your points by their amount +1 squared, making them much stronger than before. 

As always, please let me know if you find any bugs, or want new pokemon added. After I've added a few more gimmicks, I will start implementing challenges. All of the recommended challenges so far have been very good, and I love to see the community's creativity.


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this is a super cool update, sorry I kinda left the stream randomly I forgot to say I was leaving lol 

Nah you're totally good, we all have lives, and my stream should absolutely not take priority over stuff happening in yours. Thanks for the kind words about the update, and challenges should be a lot easier to implement now, so that is slowly becoming more of a possibility.